Monday, January 26, 2009

in the clouds

Last night, I spread my arms wide open at my sides and inhaled a breath of a cloud as I zoomed right through it, feeling completely at ease with the world. The cloud itself smelled and tasted different then it looked, yet totally the same. For a while I continued on, freely flowing in and out of clouds, sometimes using them to cloak me from possible eyes that may have been looking up towards the stars, sometimes simply enjoying the cool, wet sentations of condensed air against my bare arms and the skin of my face.

How freeing, this feeling was! I continued until I lost track of time, long after the sun had dissapeared behind night's dark and embracing cloak of secrecy. Nightime's always the best time to enjoy life, to be free and be yourself - to let loose! After what seemed like hours of flight, I felt my body began to slow down and drift closer to a mass of land that was now within eyesight; it was almost as if I was being lead instead of chosing what directions to take.

When both my feet landed on the ground, they were welcomed by the cold wet grass. My eyes searched my surroundings at an alarming speed, attempting to find some clue as to where my flight had placed me, and, clueless to my current location, I sighed.

He must have heard my silent complaint, for when I looked back up, he was already walking towards me. His strides were almost magical, as if his feet never touched the dirty ground but instead floated inches above it, his ebony cloak swaying obediently behind him...

"You came.."


  1. Ah, how lovely the way darkness can sway into love.

  2. U are a really gr8 writer, i must say this as it forces me to read it through. How can u reflect so clearly? I would love to know the answer.
