Monday, January 26, 2009

in the clouds

Last night, I spread my arms wide open at my sides and inhaled a breath of a cloud as I zoomed right through it, feeling completely at ease with the world. The cloud itself smelled and tasted different then it looked, yet totally the same. For a while I continued on, freely flowing in and out of clouds, sometimes using them to cloak me from possible eyes that may have been looking up towards the stars, sometimes simply enjoying the cool, wet sentations of condensed air against my bare arms and the skin of my face.

How freeing, this feeling was! I continued until I lost track of time, long after the sun had dissapeared behind night's dark and embracing cloak of secrecy. Nightime's always the best time to enjoy life, to be free and be yourself - to let loose! After what seemed like hours of flight, I felt my body began to slow down and drift closer to a mass of land that was now within eyesight; it was almost as if I was being lead instead of chosing what directions to take.

When both my feet landed on the ground, they were welcomed by the cold wet grass. My eyes searched my surroundings at an alarming speed, attempting to find some clue as to where my flight had placed me, and, clueless to my current location, I sighed.

He must have heard my silent complaint, for when I looked back up, he was already walking towards me. His strides were almost magical, as if his feet never touched the dirty ground but instead floated inches above it, his ebony cloak swaying obediently behind him...

"You came.."

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I do believe.

How is it, do you think, that someone choses what to believe in? Does believing in something make it real? There are those individuals who believe in things such as communism or facism and strongly live their lives by their beliefs, while some people don't believe for the simple fact that they don't have any proof. So... Answer me this: Have you ever seen a million dollars in cold hard cash? If your answer is no, as I'm most certainly sure it is, then how are you so sure that it exists?

This post wasn't intended to bring forth greed, but instead to shed light on the paranormal and magical.

If you're still with by this point, you must have a few ideas of what I mean: vampires, werewolves, ghosts, witches, shape-shifters, fairies, pixies, nymphs, mermaids, aliens and whatever else is out there.

Clearly I believe; but the question is, do you?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

words of wisdom

In life there are always people who make us stop to think of what we have done, what we want to do, and what we most evidently will end up doing. The constant motions of life, the continuous movements of time, the search for wisdom and the inevetable truth are things that binds us all together. We are all born and all strive to find our destiny, figure out the invisible path that fate has laid down in front of us, and with the search for truth one question always arises: "Who am I?"
Well, here you'll find all your answers through that question, though they will not be written down for you. It is up to you to read between the lines, to use your skills of deduction to solve the endless mysteries of life through the many words I offer you. Who are you, reader? Are you a teacher, or a student? A philosopher or a doctor? A chef, a lawyer, a mother or a father?
A computer wizz or a mathematical genius? In truth, you may be neither or every single one. You are who you are, my friend, and whoever you chose to be.

Until next post dear readers. I leave you to your upcoming week. Make the best of it.

Quote of the week:

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens."
--- Khalil Gibran