Thursday, March 5, 2009

not a minute too soon.

This morning I woke up with Pandora sticking her tongue out at me. When I mimicked her, she pulled it back in only to stick it back out at me. She's 10 weeks old now, and everyone says she's grown since I got her, which I'm insanely thankful for. A couple of days ago we had to take her to the vet because I was starting to get worried - call it a 'spidey sense' if you want to, though it's more like motherly senses. The vet said that she had roundworms, hookworms and something called coccidiosis. I was ready to freak out, and I mean full fledge 360 head-turning. After paying a sum way too high for three simple medications and a weeks time later, she finally started getting better.

To be honest, I'm half tempted to go back to the guy who sold us to her and smacking all his brain cells out of his head through his nose. Stupid jerk would have let her die.


  1. poor puppy, when i first got my dachshund lola she had kennel cough and worms thank goodness the place i went to said they would pay for the first vet appointment and any of the subsequent prescription costs. I'm glad to hear your puppy is doing better!

  2. well, do that then!! to the guy who sold it to you.
