Sunday, February 8, 2009

drive not

Ask a group of people to participate in a random survey and ask them which gender they think drives more recklessly or with no skills. The winning answer will brobably be 'Female'.
To make this ramble short and sweet, let me clear something up: As much as it pains me to admit it - truth is still truth - the greater population of women honestly can't drive, and I cannot understand the reason behind it. It may be due to distractions, applying eyeliner in a row of cars waiting for a red light to change, or the simple fact that they don't apply themselves but that does not, in anyway, mean that all women can't drive. Do not get it twisted, this isn't to elivate the male population on a pedestal they'd probably adore being on, because most men can't drive either. So why, if someone can't drive to save their life, do they do it? To put the people that can drive in danger, along with the passengers in the vehicles involved? How selfish.
To drive, it must be assumed that you can read and understand the significance of the color being used. You don't willingly try to run a redlight unless you know what you're doing, so why, amongst all that is holy and pure would you avoid a red and white sign with the word 'STOP' capitalized on it, in a crowded parking lot, to boot.

Again I ask, why must it be ruined for those of us who can and enjoy the task of driving.